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Cloche d‘or (Luxembourg) Area
Weimerskirch (Luxembourg) District
Gasperich (Luxembourg) District
Grund (Luxembourg) District
Hamm (Luxembourg) District
Hollerich (Luxembourg) District
Kirchberg (Luxembourg) District
Kirchberg-Centre Européen (Luxembourg) District
Limpertsberg (Luxembourg) District
Luxembourg-Gare (Luxembourg) District
Merl (Luxembourg) District
Muhlenbach (Luxembourg) District
Neudorf-Weimershof (Luxembourg) District
North Bonnevoie-Verlorenkost (Luxembourg) District
Pfaffenthal (Luxembourg) District
Pulvermuhl (Luxembourg) District
Reckenthal (Luxembourg) District
Rollingergrund-North Belair (Luxembourg) District
South Bonnevoie (Luxembourg) District
Ville Haute (Luxembourg) District
Grassbusch (Leudelange) District
Grevels (Ferme de) (Bertrange) District
Grevelsbarrière (Bertrange) District
Juegdschlass (Baambësch) District
Beggen (Luxembourg) District
Belair (Luxembourg) District
Biergerkräiz (Bridel) District
Cents (Luxembourg) District
Cessange (Luxembourg) District
Clausen (Luxembourg) District
Dommeldange (Luxembourg) District
Eich (Luxembourg) District
Gare (Luxembourg) District
Leudelange-Gare Locality/Town
Helfent (Bertrange) Locality/Town
Strassen Locality/Town
Bridel Locality/Town
Bertrange Locality/Town
Luxembourg Locality/Town
Strassen Commune
Walferdange Commune
Kopstal Commune
Mamer Commune
Leudelange Commune
Bertrange Commune
Luxembourg City Commune
Capellen Canton
Luxembourg Canton
Esch on the Alzette Canton
Luxembourg Region
Luxembourg Country
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