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Juegdschlass (Baambësch) District
Rollingergrund-North Belair (Luxembourg) District
Muhlenbach (Luxembourg) District
Dommeldange (Luxembourg) District
Biergerkräiz (Bridel) District
Beggen (Luxembourg) District
Walferdange Locality/Town
Blaschette Locality/Town
Bofferdange Locality/Town
Durenthal Locality/Town
Heisdorf Locality/Town
Helmdange Locality/Town
Helmsange Locality/Town
Hunsdorf Locality/Town
Keispelt Locality/Town
Kléngelbur Locality/Town
Klingelscheuer Locality/Town
Kopstal Locality/Town
Lorentzweiler Locality/Town
Mullendorf Locality/Town
Prettingen Locality/Town
Staffelstein Locality/Town
Steinsel Locality/Town
Asselscheuer Locality/Town
Bridel Locality/Town
Bereldange Locality/Town
Junglinster Commune
Kopstal Commune
Luxembourg City Commune
Steinsel Commune
Walferdange Commune
Lintgen Commune
Lorentzweiler Commune
Mersch Commune
Kehlen Commune
Luxembourg Canton
Capellen Canton
Mersch Canton
Grevenmacher Canton
Luxembourg Region
Grevenmacher Region
Luxembourg Country
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